Rent Perfect-Fit Strollers: For Every Growth Phase
Unmatched Quality: Our Selected Brands Including Bugaboo Strollers
That's how it works
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1. Browse
At Parently you will find a wide range of high-quality children's equipment.
2. Subscribe
Subscribe to the products as long as you need them or as long as your child enjoys them.
3. Return or exchange
As soon as you are no longer interested in the item, just send it back to us.
Common Questions
Renting "Pre-Loved"
Renting "Pre-Loved"
Each "Pre-Loved" product is carefully inspected and meets high safety standards. We make sure they are fully functional, thoroughly cleaned and have a few character-enhancing scratches. Choosing "Pre-Loved" reduces the amount of waste and contributes to an environmentally friendly lifestyle. It's as good as new - only better, with a satisfaction guarantee. Read more here.
Delivery & Pickup
Delivery & Pickup
Fast delivery all over Sweden in 5-7 working days, 3-day collection in Stockholm. You can choose the delivery date up to four months in advance. The delivery date can be selected during the payment process. Collect for free from our warehouse or choose delivery and return via a DHL service point for SEK 90 per order.
Prenumerationen börjar på det leverans-/taggningsdatum du väljer, med tydlig månadsprissättning. Första månadens avgift dras vid beställning, och följande avgifter dras månadsvis från och med andra månaden efter leverans-/taggningsdatumet.
Symbolen ”+” bredvid hyreslängden visar att du kan förlänga ditt abonnemang utöver den ursprungliga perioden. Det betyder att du kan fortsätta din prenumeration månad för månad efter att den första perioden har löpt ut, utan krångel. Hantera enkelt din prenumeration online.
Damage, Wear, & Repair
Damage, Wear, & Repair
Minor wear and tear? No problem. For major damage, we offer support and spare parts free of charge . Each product is carefully refurbished to ensure the highest quality for the next family.