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Navigating the Stroller Journey: From Newborn to Sibling Strollers and Beyond

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Lisa från Parently |

As a parent, choosing the right stroller for each stage of your child’s development can be overwhelming. From a stroller with a bassinet for your newborn to a sibling stroller when you welcome your second child, the needs and costs can quickly add up. This guide will help you understand the different types of strollers needed as your family grows.

The following stages will be looked at:

  • Stage 1: Newborn Stroller with Bassinet
  • Stage 2: Infant to Toddler Stroller
  • Stage 3: Lightweight Buggy

The Stroller Journey: A Growing Family's Guide

Stage 1: Newborn Stroller with Bassinet


  • Newborn Comfort: A bassinet provides a flat, safe sleeping surface for your newborn.
  • Ease of Use: Lightweight and easy to maneuver, ideal for everyday use.

Example: Bugaboo Fox 5 with bassinet

Bugaboo Fox 5 rent in Stockholm and all Sweden with Parently

Typical features of a newborn stroller:

  • High maneuverability
  • reversible and reclinable seat
  • large storage basket.

Stage 2: Infant to Toddler Stroller


  • Versatility: A stroller that can transition from a bassinet to a seat as your baby grows.
  • Durability: Strong build to support a growing child, with adjustable features for comfort.

Example: Bugaboo Dragonfly

Bugaboo Dragonfly to rent with Parently

Typical features of a toddler stroller:

  • Compact fold
  • reversible seat
  • car seat compatibility

Stage 3: Lightweight Buggy


  • Portability: Easy to fold and carry, ideal for travel and quick outings.
  • Compact Size: Smaller and lighter than traditional strollers, perfect for older toddlers.

Example: Bugaboo Butterfly

Bugaboo Butterfly rent with Parently in Sweden

Typical features of a lightweight buggy:

  • One-second fold
  • ultra-compact
  • lightweight design

The Sibling Stroller: Essential for Growing Families

When your second child arrives, a sibling stroller becomes a necessity. These strollers accommodate two children simultaneously, offering convenience and efficiency for parents.

Why Sibling Strollers are crucial

  • Dual Functionality: Allows you to push both children at once, freeing up your hands.
  • Versatility: Can be used with various combinations of bassinets and seats.
  • Cost-Sensitive: High upfront cost makes renting a more attractive option.

Types of Sibling Strollers

Side-by-Side Strollers:

  • Example: Bugaboo Donkey 5 Duo
  • Pros: Equal view for both children, easy interaction.
  • Cons: Wider, can be harder to maneuver in tight spaces.

Tandem Strollers:

  • Example: Uppababy Vista V2 with RumbleSeat
  • Pros: Narrower, easier to navigate through tight spaces.
  • Cons: The child in the back may have a restricted view.

Choosing the Right Sibling Stroller

When selecting a sibling stroller, consider these factors:

  • Weight and Size: Ensure it’s easy to push and fits through doorways.
  • Ease of Use: Look for features like one-hand folding, adjustable handles, and ample storage space.
  • Safety Features: Check for sturdy harness systems, reliable brakes, and quality build materials.

The Limited Use of Sibling Strollers

While sibling strollers are incredibly useful when you have two young children, they are typically only needed for a limited time. As your older child grows and becomes more independent, you’ll likely switch to a more compact stroller or a lightweight buggy with a buggy board. These options are easier to handle and more convenient for everyday use.

Renting Sibling Strollers: A Cost-Effective Solution

Given the high cost of sibling strollers (around 13 000 SEK), renting from offers a practical solution. Here’s why:


  • High Purchase Cost: Avoid spending a large sum on a stroller you'll only need for a short time.
  • Rental Savings: Pay only for the period you need the stroller, saving money.


  • Growing Needs: Swap strollers as your children grow and their needs change. Start with a Bugaboo Donkey 5 Duo and transition to a smaller stroller with a buggy board.
  • Short-Term Use: Perfect for the first 8-12 months when you need a sibling stroller.


  • Hassle-Free: Avoid the inconvenience of reselling or storing the stroller. Simply return it to
  • Top Brands: Access high-quality brands like Bugaboo, ensuring your children get the best.

How to Rent a Sibling Stroller from

  1. Browse Our Selection: Explore our range of sibling strollers on our website.
  2. Choose Your Plan: Select a rental plan that fits your needs and budget.
  3. Enjoy Flexibility: Swap products as your children grow and their needs change.
  4. Hassle-Free Returns: Return the stroller easily when you no longer need it.


Navigating the world of strollers can be complex, especially as your family grows. From newborn to sibling strollers, each stage presents unique needs and challenges. High-quality options like the Bugaboo Donkey 5 Duo provide excellent solutions, but the cost can be significant. Renting from offers a cost-effective, flexible, and convenient alternative, ensuring you always have the right stroller for your family’s needs. Start your stroller journey with today and enjoy the benefits of hassle-free renting.

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